In case you've missed poppies' Facebook page, I've been running a series entitled Thirty Days of Pet Costumes to take us through to Halloween. I think the silliness started here, about a year ago
and more recently this one struck my funny bone.
While I posted this morning, it dawned on me that some might question why a woman with a cottage style accessories shop would choose this path. In fact, I said to myself, "Am I off target from my social media plan, displaying a dog in scuba gear instead of the latest grain sack pillow cover?" Well, after I stopped "laughing my a** off, rolling on the floor", I realized that this is an example of poppies' definition of the cottage style experience - it's simple, relaxed and comfortable, but also unconventional, a little quirky and usually one-of-a-kind. Steadfast rules don't work here. Some days you'll see something wonderful that I've just finished sewing, but it's more likely you'll see a pig in a leotard. (Actually, there is a pig in a leotard, here).
Today when I came across this photo of two penguins walking down the beach wearing little sweaters, I couldn't be more excited. They met the criteria: animals. in costume. adorbs. But then I continued to read the article and learned that these little guys were survivors of the 2011 New Zealand Oil Spill. When they were oil soaked, their sweaters prevented them from preening (and poisoning) themselves, and kept them warm before and after they were cleaned by cleanup workers.
There is a need for more sweaters and a worldwide call to knitters by Skeinz, a New Zealand yarn shop, to make them. I can't wait to start. If you knit, or know someone who does who would like to help out, the pattern and delivery instructions are here.I believe the one in the orange sweater is giving a "high five". xoxo
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