Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Garden

With late rains and lots of summer fog lately, my garden is a little behind schedule.  Tomatoes (San Marzano and heirloom) are finally starting to form on the vine, and our corn is finally taller than "knee high".  Our new sprinkler system is working perfectly - thanks Bob and Oscar!
I just saw on A Soft Place to Land's blog that every Tuesday is DIY day.  I thought I'd share my favorite part of the garden - our scarecrow!
Using Bryce's little clothes and some spare bamboo, he stands proudly over our little garden.
Although he blows in the wind a bit.
How could he ever scare anyone?
Uh oh.  Bean has never seen a scarecrow before!  Look at that puffed up tail!
She watched him like this for 10 minutes!
Meanwhile, Frankie is enjoying the pot that I just planted beans in.  How did she get in there?
How is your garden doing?


  1. I love your garden. It's like the garden of Eve. I love the little manager of the garden. He doesn't look very frightening to me, but it sure looks like he does his job well. Thank you Bryce for the use of your "pre-worn" apparel!

  2. Thank you for the great compliments! Yes, our scarecrow does his job well in keeping everything except cats and aphids away..

  3. Cats are amazingly agile creatures. Love the scarecrow! It's what's needed next in my gardens.

  4. I love scarecrows! I'm thinking of putting a winter outfit on my this year and letting her stand there all year. Your blog is so lovely!
